Left From Write was created on Norwegian National Ballet Ung and is a physical exploration of my experience with dyslexia. This work explores literacy, orientation and miscommunication from the viewpoint of someone with dyslexia. It is inclusive of the use sound, light and animation to portray the literal and emotional connotations of dyslexia and methods mental recall which for neurodiverse minds incorporates the ability to remember the entirety of events and mentally replay them in real time. The finer nuances of the movement in the piece, the detail, eminate from this all encompassing experience. The dancers, at times, represent letters dancing around the page, which is an interpretation of what a dyslexic person sees when reading. The stage lighting, in particular the orange light is inspired by my orange tinted glasses. The orange tint is significant in this piece because it reflects the power of the glasses to settle the written word on the page. The orange wash of colour enables the ‘dancing letters’ to be ‘still’; this is a liberating feeling for dyslexics and is depicted in the choreography. The music and choreography have sharp, quick snippets of material to represent a pinball thought process - jumping from one idea or thought to another, with no obvious direct link.